Book reviews

After recently reading Claire Keegan’s novella Small Things Like These, I was keen to read anything else at all by her, so chose another novella, So Late in the Day.

The first page set the scene, a sunny summer day and the main character, Cathal, at his desk next to an open window gazing down at flowers, children and birds in a park. Cathal’s afternoon was dragging and he wished he had gone out for a walk at lunchtime.

As the story continued through Cathal’s Friday afternoon in the office, followed by his commute home by bus, then his evening alone in his apartment, it became clear that he should have regretted many decisions he had made over the past year, particularly when it came to Sabine, a woman he had previously been involved with. Whether he actually had regrets or not, I cannot say.

As he went about his routine that afternoon and evening, Cathal reflected on his and Sabine’s relationship and their differences. As he revealed more about himself it became clear that Cathal was a taker and Sabine had been a giver. Ultimately, I felt sorry for Cathal even though I didn’t particularly like him. I think that Sabine had a lucky escape.

So Late in the Day was equally as devastating as Small Things Like These.

I will finish this review with the same thing that I said after reading Small Things Like These, I cannot wait to read something else by Claire Keegan.

Comments on: "So Late in the Day by Claire Keegan" (23)

  1. I’m glad you seem to have found a new author to love! I tagged the first one at my digital library in audio, but it always seems to have a hold time on it!

  2. I need to checkout her books soon.

    • Yes, please do! For such a short story this had a big impact on me. It’s been about a month since I read it and I’m still thinking about the characters.

  3. I think I’ve read everything so far, but… I’m really hoping she comes out with something new soon! She is SUCH a wonderful writer!

  4. Rose, I am encourgaed by your review to finally get to reading this one. I loved Small Things so much that I felt wary of trying this one if that makes sense. I agree with you that she is a phenomenal writer.

    • I know what you mean, Sandra. After reading Ethan Frome I avoided reading anything else by Edith Wharton for years because of the risk of unfavourable comparison (I needn’t have worried). So Late in the Day is terrific too and different enough that I didn’t compare the stories.

  5. I haven’t read this one yet but have Antarctica waiting. Have you read Foster yet? It’s absolutely brilliant and yesterday I watched the film based on it ‘The Quiet Girl’ and was as in love with it as I am with the book, absolutely beautiful.

  6. I am glad this one could live up to your high expectations. As the only person in the world, who didn’t love Small Things Like These, I am less keen to try something else by Keegan. However, some people say they got on better with Foster, so I might give that one a try. At least, it is short 😉

    • True! Claire Keegan’s stories are short, which is a blessing if you don’t like them!
      Do you remember what it was that you didn’t like about Small Things?

      • Ironically, I found it too short (I always complain, books are too long). Just as it was getting started, it was over. I didn’t dislike it, but it didn’t make a huge impression.

        • Well, that was my complaint too, I wanted more! Although it sounds as if I had already formed an emotional connection with the characters by the end of the story and you hadn’t.

  7. I read Small Things and her short stories are also excellent!

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